Top Games of the Post-COVID Era: Redefining Entertainment in a New Normal 2024

Games of the post-covid
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The after Games of the Post-COVID pandemic significantly altered various facets of our lives, not least how we engage with entertainment. As physical gatherings became limited, digital realms flourished, offering new avenues for connection and escapism. The gaming industry, in particular, witnessed unprecedented growth and innovation. Here, we explore the top games of the post-COVID era that have redefined entertainment in our new normal.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons after Games of the Post-COVID

Released in March 2020, just as global lockdowns took effect, “Animal Crossing: New Horizons” became a sanctuary for millions. This life-simulation game from Nintendo offered players a serene escape to a customizable island paradise. Its real-time gameplay and social features, such as visiting friends’ islands, made it a virtual meeting place, fostering a sense of community and normalcy amidst the chaos.

Among Us

Although initially released in 2018, “Among Us” saw a massive surge in popularity during the pandemic. The game’s simple yet engaging premise of teamwork and deception struck a chord with players looking for social interaction during physical distancing. Its accessibility on various platforms and the ease of playing with friends or strangers made it a staple of quarantine entertainment.

The Last of Us Part II

Naughty Dog’s “The Last of Us Part II, released in June 2020, delivered a gripping narrative set in a post-apocalyptic world, resonating deeply during global uncertainty. The game’s complex characters and emotional storytelling provided a profound experience, reflecting themes of survival and humanity that mirrored real-world struggles.

Genshin Impact

Launched in September 2020, “Genshin Impact by miHoYo captivated players with its vast open world, stunning visuals, and intricate gameplay. The free-to-play model with gacha mechanics allowed widespread access, while regular updates and events kept the community engaged. Its blend of exploration and adventure offered a much-needed escape and a sense of wonder.

Call of Duty: Warzone

“Call of Duty: Warzone emerged as a significant player in the battle royale genre. Released in March 2020, its fast-paced, competitive gameplay attracted a vast audience. The integration with the broader Call of Duty franchise and the regular updates ensured a constantly evolving experience, making it a go-to for gamers seeking adrenaline-fueled action.


Already a cultural phenomenon before the pandemic, “Fortnite adapted quickly to the new normal by hosting virtual events and concerts within the game. These in-game experiences, such as Travis Scott’s Astronomical concert, provided unique entertainment alternatives when live events were impossible, cementing “Fortnite as a versatile gaming and social interaction platform.

Cyberpunk 2077

Despite a rocky launch in December 2020, CD Projekt Red’s “Cyberpunk 2077 became one of the most talked-about games of the era. Its ambitious open-world design and narrative depth offered an immersive escape, reflecting the growing trend of expansive, story-driven games that provide a sense of journey and discovery.


“Minecraft continued to thrive, offering endless creativity and collaboration. The sandbox game’s ability to adapt to various play styles—whether survival, creative, or educational—made it a versatile tool for entertainment and learning during lockdowns. Virtual classrooms and collaborative projects within “Minecraft highlighted its potential beyond mere gaming.


Released in early access in February 2021, “Valheim quickly garnered a massive following. This survival game set in a Viking-inspired world emphasized cooperative play, exploration, and building. Its challenging gameplay and cooperative mechanics made it a standout title for players seeking adventure and camaraderie.


A surprise hit of 2020, “Phasmophobia offered a unique multiplayer horror experience. Players work together as ghost hunters, using various tools to identify paranormal entities. The game’s cooperative nature and spine-chilling atmosphere provided a fresh take on horror, fostering teamwork and communication.


The Rise of Social and Multiplayer Games Post-COVID: Connecting in a Digital Age

The COVID-19 pandemic brought about unprecedented changes to our daily lives, one of the most significant being how we interact socially. With physical distancing measures in place, people turned to digital platforms to maintain connections. This shift catalyzed the popularity of social and multiplayer games, providing entertainment and vital social interactions. Here, we delve into how these games rose to prominence post-COVID and their impact on our social fabric.

The Social Gaming Boom

Social and multiplayer games experienced a remarkable boom during and after the pandemic. These games became essential tools for socialization, allowing players to interact with friends, family, and strangers in engaging and immersive ways. Here are some key factors contributing to this rise:

Escapism and Connection

Games like “Animal Crossing: New Horizons and “Among Us became cultural phenomena, offering a form of escapism while fostering connections. “Animal Crossing, with its relaxing gameplay and social features, allowed players to visit each other’s islands and share experiences, creating a sense of community. “Among Us, with its simple yet compelling premise of teamwork and deception, provided a platform for friends to gather and enjoy cooperative and competitive fun.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

Many multiplayer games, such as “Fortnite and “Call of Duty: Warzone, are free-to-play, lowering the barrier to entry and making them accessible to a broader audience. These games also offer cross-platform play, enabling players on different devices to join the same game, further expanding their reach and fostering inclusivity.

Innovative Social Features

Games integrated innovative social features to enhance player interaction. Fortnite hosted virtual concerts and events, turning the game into a versatile social platform. These events provided unique entertainment experiences that were otherwise impossible during lockdowns, attracting millions of participants and viewers.

Collaboration and Community Building

Survival and sandbox games like “Minecraft and “Valheim emphasized collaboration and community building. Players worked together to survive, build structures, and explore vast worlds. These cooperative experiences entertained and strengthened bonds as players navigated challenges and achieved goals together after Games of the Post-COVID.

Impact on the Gaming Industry

The rise of social and multiplayer games during the pandemic has had a lasting impact on the gaming industry:

Increased Player Engagement

The need for social interaction drove a significant increase in player engagement. Games with robust multiplayer and social features saw higher player retention and more frequent in-game interactions. Developers focused on creating content and updates to keep the community engaged and connected after Games of the Post-COVID.

Expansion of E-Sports and Streaming

The popularity of multiplayer games bolstered the e-sports and streaming industries. Competitive games like “Valorant and “Apex Legends saw growth in e-sports viewership, while platforms like Twitch and YouTube Gaming experienced a surge in content creation and viewership. Streamers and e-sports athletes became central figures in the gaming community, providing entertainment and fostering interaction after Games of the Post-COVID.

Evolving Game Development

Game developers have adapted to the growing demand for social features. Future game designs will likely incorporate more social elements, cross-platform play, and regular content updates to maintain player interest. The success of games with these features has set new standards for player expectations after Games of the Post-COVID.

The Future of Social Gaming

The social and multiplayer gaming trend will continue evolving as we move forward. Key developments to watch for include:

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

VR and AR technology advancements will likely enhance social gaming experiences, providing more immersive and interactive environments. Games like “Rec Room and “VRChat are already exploring these possibilities, and future developments could revolutionize how we interact in digital spaces after Games of the Post-COVID.

Metaverse Integration

The metaverse concept, a collective virtual shared space, is gaining traction. Companies like Facebook (now Meta) invest heavily in creating interconnected virtual worlds. Social and multiplayer games will be crucial in populating these metaverses, offering diverse experiences from gaming to virtual social gatherings.

Enhanced Social Features

Developers will continue to innovate social features within games, incorporating more sophisticated communication tools, personalized avatars, and shared experiences. These enhancements will make virtual interactions more seamless and enjoyable after Games of the Post-COVID.

Indie Games That Shined During the Pandemic: Unleashing Creativity in Isolation

The COVID-19 pandemic changed how we interacted and worked and reshaped our entertainment landscape. While significant gaming studios saw increased engagement, the indie game developers truly captured the imagination and hearts of gamers worldwide. With unique storytelling, innovative gameplay mechanics, and fresh ideas, these indie games provided much-needed solace and connection during global uncertainty. Here, we explore some indie games that shined brightly after Games of the Post-COVID.


Supergiant Games’ “Hades became a standout title of 2020. This rogue-like dungeon crawler combined fast-paced combat with a rich narrative steeped in Greek mythology. The game’s procedural generation ensured a fresh experience with each playthrough, while its compelling story and character interactions kept players coming back. “Hades received critical acclaim for its design, storytelling, and replayability, making it a favourite among gamers during the Games of the Post-COVID.


Developed by Thunder Lotus Games, “Spiritfarer offered a unique blend of management simulation and heartfelt storytelling. Players took on the role of Stella, a ferrymaster for the deceased, guiding spirits to the afterlife. The game’s soothing art style, emotional depth, and themes of life and loss resonated deeply when many were dealing with grief and isolation. “Spiritfarer provided a comforting escape and a reflective experience after Games of the Post-COVID.

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout

Released by Mediatonic in August 2020, “Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout quickly became a sensation. This chaotic battle royale game pitted 60 players against each other in a series of whimsical and challenging obstacle courses. Its colourful graphics, humorous physics, and light-hearted competition offered a refreshing break from the more severe and intense gaming experiences, making it a hit for players of all ages.


Kinetic Games“Phasmophobia brought a new twist to the horror genre. This multiplayer ghost-hunting game tasked players with identifying paranormal entities in various haunted locations. The cooperative gameplay, realistic graphics, and use of VR made it an immersive and terrifying experience. “Phasmophobia became popular among streamers and horror fans, providing a thrilling way to connect with friends while staying apart after Games of the Post-COVID.


While “Celeste was released in 2018, its relevance and popularity surged during the pandemic. Developed by Maddy Makes Games, this platformer game tells the story of Madeline as she climbs the titular mountain, facing both physical and mental challenges. Its tight controls, challenging levels, and heartfelt narrative about mental health and perseverance resonated with players facing their struggles during the pandemic after Games of the Post-COVID.

Ori and the Will of the Wisps

Moon Studios’ “Ori and the Will of the Wisps continued the enchanting journey of Ori, a spirit guardian, in a beautifully crafted world. Released in March 2020, this Metroidvania-style game captivated players with its stunning visuals, emotional storytelling, and fluid gameplay. The game provided a sense of wonder and exploration, offering an escape into a fantastical realm during difficult times after Games of the Post-COVID.

Stardew Valley

Although released in 2016, ConcernedApe’s “Stardew Valley grew in popularity during the pandemic. This farming simulation game allowed players to build and manage their farms, engage in community activities, and form relationships. Its relaxing gameplay, sense of progression, and the ability to play cooperatively made it a perfect antidote to the stress and uncertainty of the pandemic.

Dead Cells

“Dead Cells, developed by Motion Twin, is a rogue-like Metroidvania game that continued to gain traction during the pandemic. Its challenging gameplay, ever-changing levels, and satisfying combat mechanics offered players a rewarding and engaging experience. The game’s regular updates and new content kept the community active and entertained after Games of the Post-COVID.

Hollow Knight

Team Cherry’s “Hollow Knight, initially released in 2017, remained beloved during the pandemic. This action-adventure game set in a beautifully dark, hand-drawn world offered deep exploration, challenging combat, and rich lore. Its enduring appeal and the anticipation for its sequel, “Hollow Knight: Silksong, kept it in the spotlight after Games of the Post-COVID.

Virtual Reality and the Future of Gaming: Immersive Experiences and Beyond

Virtual Reality (VR) has long been heralded as the future of gaming, promising to transport players into immersive, interactive worlds unlike before. Over the past few years, advancements in VR technology have brought this vision closer to reality. As the gaming industry continues to evolve, VR is set to play a pivotal role in shaping its future. Here, we explore the current state of VR in gaming, its potential, and the trends that will drive its growth in the coming years after Games of the Post-COVID.

The Current State of VR Gaming

VR gaming has come a long way from its nascent stages. Modern VR headsets like the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR have significantly improved affordability, accessibility, and technological capability. Here are some key developments:

Enhanced Hardware

Recent VR headsets offer higher-resolution displays, more expansive fields of view, and improved motion tracking. Devices like the Oculus Quest 2 have made VR more accessible by being standalone units that don’t require a powerful PC, thus lowering the barrier to entry for new users after Games of the Post-COVID.

Diverse Game Library

The VR game library has expanded significantly, offering various genres and experiences. From the rhythm-based gameplay of “Beat Saber to the intricate puzzles of “Myst, VR games diversify and appeal to a broader audience.

Immersive Experiences

VR excels in providing immersive experiences. Games like “Half-Life: Alyx have set new standards for what VR can achieve, blending high-quality graphics, intricate world-building, and innovative gameplay mechanics to create engaging experiences after Games of the Post-COVID.

The potential of VR in Gaming

The potential of VR in gaming is vast, with several areas poised for significant growth and innovation:

Immersive Storytelling

VR offers unique opportunities for storytelling. The ability to place players directly within a narrative and allow them to interact with characters and environments tangibly can create more emotionally impactful experiences. This immersive storytelling could redefine how narratives are crafted and experienced in games after Games of the Post-COVID.

Social VR

The future of VR gaming is inherently social. Platforms like VRChat and Rec Room demonstrate the potential for VR as a social space where players can interact, play games, and create content together. As VR technology evolves, these social experiences will become more sophisticated, fostering deeper connections and collaborative opportunities.

Fitness and Physical Engagement

VR has entered fitness gaming with titles like “Supernatural and “FitXR. The physical nature of VR can transform gaming into an active experience, encouraging movement and exercise while providing entertainment. This trend is likely to continue, with more games incorporating fitness elements.

Educational and Training Applications

Beyond entertainment, VR gaming has potential applications in education and training. Simulation-based training programs can benefit from the immersive nature of VR, providing realistic and interactive environments for learning. Educational games can also leverage VR to create engaging and informative experiences after Games of the Post-COVID.

Trends Shaping the Future of VR Gaming

Several trends are expected to drive the growth and evolution of VR gaming:

Improved Accessibility and Affordability

As technology advances, VR hardware is becoming more affordable and user-friendly. Standalone VR headsets, wireless capabilities, and user-friendly interfaces will continue to lower the barrier to entry, making VR accessible to a broader audience after Games of the Post-COVID.

Cross-Platform Integration

The future of VR gaming will likely see greater integration with other gaming platforms. Cross-platform play, where VR users can interact with non-VR players, will become more common, broadening the multiplayer experience and enhancing community engagement after Games of the Post-COVID.

Haptic Feedback and Sensory Immersion

Advancements in haptic feedback technology will enhance the sensory immersion of VR gaming. Haptic suits, gloves, and other peripherals can provide tactile feedback, allowing players to feel physical sensations within the virtual world. This will make the VR experience more realistic and engaging after Games of the Post-COVID.

Cloud Gaming and Streaming

Cloud gaming and streaming services will play a significant role in the future of VR gaming. By leveraging powerful remote servers, cloud gaming can overcome the hardware limitations of individual VR headsets, enabling more complex and graphically intensive games to be played on less powerful devices after Games of the Post-COVID.

Artificial Intelligence and Procedural Generation

Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and procedural generation in VR games will create more dynamic and responsive virtual environments. AI-driven characters and environments that adapt to player actions will enhance immersion and replayability after Games of the Post-COVID.


The post-COVID era has showcased the resilience and innovation of the gaming industry. These top games provided entertainment and adapted to new social dynamics, offering virtual spaces for connection, creativity, and escapism. As we navigate the new normal, these games have redefined how we interact with entertainment, highlighting the transformative power of digital experiences in bringing people together after Games of the Post-COVID.

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