10 mn read

Mastering eCPM: Strategies to Boost Ad Revenue in Games 2024

10 mn read In the ever-evolving mobile and online gaming world, Mastering eCPM is key to maximizing ad revenue is crucial for developers. One of the key metrics in this domain is eCPM, or effective Cost Per Mille, which measures the revenue generated per thousand ad impressions. Mastering eCPM is essential for game developers aiming to optimize their […]

10 mn read

Optimizing Unity Development: A Guide to External Dependency Management 2024

10 mn read Unity, the popular game development platform, External Dependency Management empowers developers to create stunning interactive experiences for various platforms like PCs, consoles, mobile devices, and more. However, as projects grow in complexity, managing dependencies becomes increasingly crucial for maintaining code organization, enhancing collaboration, and optimizing development workflows. This guide delves into the significance of external dependency […]

10 mn read

Navigating the Indie Game Landscape: A Developer’s Journey Through Challenges and Triumphs 2024

10 mn read In the vast and ever-evolving world of video games, indie game developers stand out as pioneers, often crafting unique experiences that captivate players worldwide. However, navigating the indie game landscape behind the scenes is filled with challenges, creativity, perseverance, and triumphs. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of indie game development and explore developers’ experiences […]

10 mn read

Unlocking Visual Magic: Exploring the Wonders of Screen Space Shaders 2024

10 mn read In the realm of computer graphics, Screen Space Shaders get realism and visual splendor has been a constant driving force. Over the years, developers and artists have continuously sought ways to push the boundaries of what is possible, delving into intricate techniques and technologies to achieve breathtaking visuals. Among these techniques, screen space shaders stand […]

10 mn read

Game Dev Goldmines: Exploring Free Unity Resources for Your Projects 2024

10 mn read In the ever-evolving landscape of game development, Unity Resources are the lifeblood of creativity and efficiency. From art assets to scripting tools, having access to high-quality resources can significantly streamline the development process and elevate the final product. Unity, one of the popular game development engines, offers a plethora of free resources that developers can […]

10 mn read

Exploring the Power of Unity Standard Assets: A Comprehensive Guide 2024

10 mn read Unity, one of the most popular game development engines, Unity Standard Assets empowers developers to create immersive and visually stunning experiences across various platforms. To increase the development process and provide a foundation for projects, Unity offers a valuable resource known as Standard Assets. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the power of […]

13 mn read

Mastering The Evolution and Impact of AAA Games: A Deep Dive into the Gaming Industry 2024

13 mn read Introduction: The gaming industry has witnessed a memorable transformation over the years, with AAA games standing out as the pinnacle of interactive entertainment. These high-budget, high-stakes productions have become cultural phenomena, captivating audiences worldwide and redefining the boundaries of storytelling, technology, and artistic expression. This comprehensive exploration will delve into AAA games’ evolution, characteristics, and […]

9 mn read

Master Your Own Battle Royale: A Guide to Developing a Game Like PUBG in 2023

9 mn read “Master Your Own Battle Royale PUBG: A Guide to Developing a Game Like PUBG in 2023” Introduction PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) revolutionized the gaming industry with its innovative battle royale gameplay. You’re not alone if you’ve ever dreamt of developing a battle royale game like PUBG. While creating such a game is a monumental task that […]

8 mn read

Master How to Develop an Arcade Game like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in 2023

8 mn read Master How to Develop an Arcade Game like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in 2023 Introduction to Ninja : Do you remember the classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game? If you’re a fan of retro gaming, you probably do! Released in 1989, this game captured the hearts of gamers worldwide with its fast-paced action, engaging […]

10 mn read

How to Develop an Educational Game Like Brain Age: A Comprehensive Guide in 2023

10 mn read How to Develop an Educational Game Like Brain Age: A Comprehensive Guide in 2023 In educational gaming, few titles have had as profound an impact as Brain Age. Released by Nintendo in 2005, Brain Age captivated players with its unique blend of entertainment and cognitive training. The game’s success has sparked interest in creating similar […]

Full Game Development

Bleeding Edge is known for developing end-to-end mobile game development solutions. We focus on designing and developing mobile games for all popular devices and modernizing and transforming existing games

Bleeding Edge has years of experience in mobile game development, providing quality solutions at affordable prices without compromising quality. We are a leading game development company that provides its clients with flexible game solutions that consistently exceed expectations. If you are hoping for a job well done, let us know!